Takii Migakaze
The Beast of End and Beginning
Height: 193 cm
Age: 27 Years Old
Likes: Cooking, Fighting, His Family, Promising Humans
Dislikes: Indecisive People, Apathetic People
Natural Enemy: Threats to the Planet or Humanity’s Survival, Spicy Food
Just one look at the Tiger paints a vivid portrait of who he is. From the scars on his face to the golden eye burning always with intensity, all he has gained was through trials of sacrifice. Ever marching forward, he will not hesitate to sacrifice parts of himself if it means bringing about a better world.
AppearanceTall, golden hair, with right eye a honey-hued color, left tainted azure by a dangerous curse and always concealed. Most times calm and assured, though when displaying his true nature his handsome features turn sharp and bestial.
A long scar runs down the left side of his face, intersecting with a second smaller scar on his cheek to form the shape of a sword.
The trained musculature of his body holds scars all along his balanced frame, from his broad shoulders, callused hands, and down to his feet.
Takii is the head of the Migakaze clan, a family whose lineage dates back to the rulers of the earliest kingdom before recorded human history. The existence of him and his half-human half-beast kind are a secret few outside of his world know. He leads the Ouko Alliance, striving to fight against the old world to usher in the new one.
AuraThe metaphysical manifestation of life force, the mark of one's soul. An ethereal presence that can only be felt by those attuned to their spiritual side, in its natural state it can be used to detect other living creatures that it 'touches', as well as enhance one's senses, heighten their reflexes, and strengthen them to superhuman levels.For those of Beast clans, the ability to see and utilize aura comes naturally. Depending on their lineage, they can also utilize it to tap into unique abilities.
BeastsThose humanoid beings granted the essence of a respective animal, created to both serve and rule over humans in an era beyond recorded history. Among the various Beast Clans, the Tiger and Dragon were those granted the highest authority.Beasts attune their aura in order to manifest their animal traits, ranging from tails, fangs, claws, to even wings and scales. Many Beast Clans have lived in the shadows for centuries, where their power and influence are unknown to humans at large.
KoumiyaThe city that is home to many Beast clans, the Tiger and Dragon included among them. Existing in the southern coast of Japan with mountains to its north, it is a place teeming with a strange allure to both Beasts and Monsters. In recent years, it has become a sort of capital for the resistance led by Takii Migakaze and now has had a boom in its population, welcoming both humans and supernatural beings alike.
Youkai Hunter OrganizationA group of humans who have existed as protectors of Japan from monsters and malevolent spirits since the founding of the nation. Youkai Hunters are identified solely by the fox masks they wear, imbued with a magic that makes them unrecognizable to both eyes and recording devices.Zealots to their cause of eradicating monsters and aberrations, it was this same devotion to their ideals that caused their downfall, assisted by the actions of a certain Tiger.
KarakuriThe principle fighting force of the Ouko Alliance, machine automatons created by a human clan that once served the Beast clans long ago. Their current head, Kuru, has reforged that partnership by assisting Takii in his ambitions and offering him these automatons.Humanoid in shape with a featureless face, pearlescent shell and elongated limbs describe the majority of the Karakuri. Capable of assisting as bodyguards, a workforce, and surveillance, they are indispensable in ensuring Koumiya's safety.
The Knights Order of Aberration SlayersThe European equivalent to the Youkai Hunter organization, and having existed for just as long, if not more. The Knights are a small group, comprised of only the most resilient devotees. Potential conscripts are trained at a very young age, often coming from a long lineage of Knights, and put through brutal training. It's not uncommon for trainees to be brought back from the brink of death several times. This act too is a test of their resolve, and there are not many who decide to continue after their first experience with death.As a result, those who manage to succeed in their training become resilient Knights whose missions can only ever end in victory or in death, always carrying with them their own code of chivalry.Currently, the Knights are led by former exile Tabitha Dirgewood. Tabitha's ascension to leadership was a desperate decision brought about by the changing times, and her twisted devotion to purging any and all she considers inhuman has turned the Knights into an even more terrifying force than ever before, puritanical, violent, and unrelenting.
Takii Migakaze, heir to the Tiger Clan, those who have guarded humanity for centuries while never making their presence known to the world at large.Though he was never meant to have been the new head of the Clan, he regardless took on the task from a young age, facing hardships that would have made even those fully grown to give up the mantle. With a dauntless tenacity cultivated from the many battles faced, he prevented many calamities from befalling not just his dear city of Koumiya, but the entire world.With each battle faced, he sacrificed a part of himself. Friends and family lost, his own body scarred and cursed, yet never waving from his goal of changing the world for the better.Yet not change is not always positive. As he dismantled the Youkai Hunter Organization, fighting through their ranks to eventually defeating their leader and rendering them powerless, a power vacuum was quickly filled by opportunistic outside forces. Thus, the hidden invasion of Japan by a group of supernatural beings and their wealthy benefactors, Terra Incognita, began.The Tiger alone could not face such a massive force, one that took over criminal organizations, bribed political parties, and amassed wealth thanks to their collaboration with foreign espionage organizations and massive corporations. Thus, he built his own group, the Ouko Alliance. Bringing together family, allies, and even former enemies to combat this force and eventually fill the hole left by the Hunters, he would even forsake his creed of never taking a life in order to prevent a greater war from breaking out.Though the battle all across Japan ended in the Alliance's victory, Takii's fear would come to pass. As the battle eventually turned too great to stay hidden in the shadows, the destruction of a naval base off the coast of southern Japan and the sinking of a state of the art battleship by the Tiger himself was used as leverage by Terra to expose Takii Migakaze and his allies. Humans now knew of the existence of the Beast Clans, Youkai, and Monsters. This marked the end of the old world, and the chaotic birth of a new one.
Takii Migakaze FUCKS
A caring lover, one who requires a deep romantic bond before engaging in any activities. Experience has led him to understand how best to care for his partner, seeking to bask in equal pleasure. It's because of his nature that he is often the one who leads, though he isn't averse to letting others take over for him in certain cases.Takii's concern for his scarred body melts away as he looks to satiate his more primal, bestial desires. It is in these intimate moments that he allows any façade to fall away and allow himself to grow more aggressive, passionate in his ways. After spending several nights together with a partner will Takii truly understand the limits he can take his more sadistic nature, to what level he can hold back his lust and delve deeper in the craven act of lovemaking.Though even when he expends what seems to be a near endless drive and utilizes his superhuman capabilities, he does not forget to take care of his partners once the two have been satiated. The careful, loving side of him returns, along with praise and gentle caressing of his partner. Sweet words follow, before allowing a comfortable silence to linger.
Empty Sky Route
Four Years Ago
The end of the battle, the beginning of a war. The destruction of a military base off the coast of Okinawa caused panic all across the world, an unprecedented terrorist attack spearheaded by a single man; one who had destroyed state of the art weaponry utilized by the world's most powerful nation with nothing but his fists.The world was not prepared to learn of his existence, not of what his portent. Of the monsters and spirits that existed all around them. Speculation ran wild, theories and fears spread until there was no longer any way of doing the damage done by the careless reveal. He had not wanted this, it was not yet time. As he faced this rapidly evolving world and all the dangers it brought, he would become the target of all the old world's ire. Takii Migakaze, rebel, fugitive, international criminal. There was no longer any choice but to fight, even if it meant staining his hands with blood, taking lives on the battlefield.Assuming the role of leader one last time, he readied himself to become the enemy of all those who held power so he may protect the powerless. Though his conviction might bend, he would never allow it to break.This would be his war. Whether he was to be lauded as the revolutionary who brought forth an era of peace and coexistence or the monster repelled by humanity, he was prepared to face his fate.
Ao MuramasaThe Oni descendent of the famous swordsmith, Ao is less interested in the art of ironworks and far more obsessed with the act of combat. Her deep crimson Oni blood incites her lust for combat, and her monstrous strength makes her a formidable warrior even among fellow youkai. It's due to this thirst that caused her to cross paths with Takii Migakaze, becoming his bodyguard as a form of best encountering foes due to the many attempts on his life. That being said, she is rather picky when it comes to choosing fights, preferring only strong opponents that will give her a challenge and disregarding weaker foes.As a result, her effectiveness as a bodyguard is rather mixed. Despite that, the Tiger and Oni share a friendly bond.
KuruThe latest and last member of a human clan of toolmakers that once served the great Beast Clans, namely those of the Tiger and Dragon. In the present day, those human members have all long died off, leaving behind the culmination of their family's knowledge and skill in the form of Kuru, a mechanical human known as a Karakuri.Kuru has existed for many years, pursuing her family's goal of helping bring about a new evolution for humanity that would let them become the equals to the Beasts. To that end, they have decided it best to ally themselves with the Tiger Clan's current head, Takii Migakaze, lending him a small army of Karakuri to serve him as protectors, scouts, and soldiers. Kuru is very analytical, precise, to the point of seeming cold, and yet they still harbor a warmth deep inside that is sometimes displayed in an awkward manner.